Inspire UK - Terms and Conditions

Last Updated January 2024

  1. Introduction

1.1 Contract

1.1.1        Welcome to Collaborative Enterprises Ltd (trading as Inspire UK) Terms and Conditions of Service at These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of this Website and other Services provided by Collaborative Enterprises Ltd, and by accessing this Website and/or placing an order you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out below.

1.1.2        Before you proceed with navigating around our website, if you have any queries relating to these Terms and Conditions, or do not understand them, please contact Collaborative Enterprises Ltd by email at You will be sent an acknowledgement of your email within 48 hours.

1.1.3        You are entering into this Contract with Collaborative Enterprises Ltd, a company limited by shares in England and Wales, company no. 12539177 (trading as Inspire UK, formerly known as The Inspire Network (also referred to as “Inspire”, “We Are Inspire” “we” and “us”) whose registered office address is Unit VI Itchen Building, Wallops Wood, Sheardley Lane, Droxford SO32 3QY. Your personal data provided to, or collected by or for, our Services is controlled by Collaborative Enterprises Ltd.

1.1.4        If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions you should not use or access this Website.  When you use our Services, you agree to all of these Terms and Conditions and you acknowledge and accept that you are entering into a legally binding contract with Collaborative Enterprises Ltd (Contract).

1.1.5        Your use of our Services is subject to our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy, which covers how we collect, use, share, and store your personal information.

1.1.6        This Contract applies to, and other Inspire related sites, apps, communications and other services that state that they are offered under this Contract (“Services”), including the offsite collection of data for those Services, such as our ads and any applicable plugins which are used to promote the Services. Upon full completion of our registration process, which is accessed via our website, users of the Services are “Members” of Inspire UK™.

1.1.7        Inspire UK™ is a trading name of Collaborative Enterprises Ltd. The Managing Director is Nicola Tapley (known as Nikki). No other named individual or organisation are permitted to operate under the Collaborative Enterprises Ltd or Inspire UK name without express written permission. The Director shall appoint others to operate elements of the organisation at their sole discretion.

1.1.8        Inspire UK™ services, to include all aspects of Inspire UK™ including The Inspire UK Membership, The Inspire Network, as well as our free Facebook groups that are open to non-Members, will be provided at the discretion and under the authority of the Directors of Collaborative Enterprises Ltd. Any parties acting under our authority as subcontractors or affiliates will operate under contract and shall be subject to the payment of a consideration and a written agreement which will be private and confidential between Inspire UK™ and the contractor.

1.1.9        Prospective Members will be required to register their interest online by clicking on the registration button and entering their details, which must be accurate and remain up-to-date.  Member status is available for those who are responsible for the over-all leadership of a business whether as a sole trader, company director, partner. Or to those who are the founders/directors/chairs of non-profit companies or organisations. For clarity, a business owner/leader considered eligible for membership should be responsible for controlling the profits of the business if not a company director. Access to our free national Facebook Community is available to anyone in the UK who has responded to our group questions truthfully and confirms they are a woman who is a business owner (see above) in the UK, although we reserve the right to deny entry at our discretion. A request to join the Facebook groups, and/or completion of Membership registration, will confirm that the Terms and Conditions have been read and accepted and any required subscription fees have been paid, after which Members will be granted access to those Services for which they have applied.

Individuals signing up to use our Services by joining our Facebook group: or other channels as may be developed by Inspire UK™ shall consent to having a contact created, and to having their details stored on our database where these have been supplied during the process of joining.

1.2           Members and Visitors

1.2.1        By joining Inspire UK you will meet and be introduced to other members and affiliates who offer products and services which may be of use to you. If you purchase any product or take any advice or assistance from an affiliate or member of Inspire, this will be an arrangement purely between yourself and the other party. Inspire is supported by sponsors who it advertises, however it does not accept any liability for products sold or advice or assistance given by one member, team member, partner, or affiliate to another on any matter whatsoever.

If your Membership application is accepted you will receive an email welcoming you, with information advising you about how to access our members-only groups relevant to your membership level. It is your responsibility to follow the instructions on this email to ensure you are able to commence and maintain access to our groups which are hosted on Guild ( Guild has it’s own Terms and Conditions which Members are required to abide by. Sponsors may be granted access to our Guild or Facebook communities, where relevant, during the period in which they are under contract in this role. After this contract has expired, Sponsors shall leave the community unless they choose to become a Member. Sponsorships shall be offered subject to contract at our discretion.        Inspire UK Members, you have agreed that your subscription shall be automatically renewed monthly or annnually depending upon when you signed up. Pay monthly members are committed to a minimum 3-month membership period when they join and shall be liable to pay for these 3 months regardless of usage in that time. The fee is non-refundable regardless of whether you utilise the Services during this time. This does not affect your statutory rights. We shall not offer a refund if the contract is brought to an end by Inspire UK as a consequence of your breach of its Terms and Conditions. In the event that your membership contract is terminated, your entitlement to the Services will cease immediately.        All members of Inspire UK shall be entitled to the following Services;

  • Optional access to our free Community on Facebook (no additional cost) subject to appropriate conduct per the rules set out within the group and per Facebook’s own Community Standards.
  • Access to The Inspire Network – our exclusive group for Inspire UK members (currently hosted on Guild).
  • Booking access to our networking meetings at no additional cost.        All Inspire Network Members, under the operation of Collaborative Enterprises Ltd, whose memberships remain current and valid, shall be entitled to the Services outlined in and specifically to the following Services:

  • Monthly Networking sessions with the exception of August and December when no meetings shall be held. Maximum meeting size: 200 participants.      Inspire UK reserves the right to amend, withdraw or add any Member services, and such amendment shall not give rise to any liability for refund of membership fees paid.

1.2.4        Membership status is granted on an individual/personal basis. Individuals may not nominate any other person to use our Services in their place. Should multiple owners of the same organisation wish to join The Inspire UK Membership, they may do so subject to paying the subscription fee as individuals. Membership is subject to online registration. By submitting your request to Inspire with your personal information and payment details as required, you will become a Member.

1.2.5        All Memberships will commence from the date that your application is submitted with payment of your membership subscriptions. An email shall be sent to the Member automatically upon successful sign-up. Changes to members’ details including email address, payment card details and name changes may be made while logged in via the Website. The settings panel may be found by clicking on the avatar icon at the top of your screen when logged in on our website. Members may reset their password anytime by entering the email address they signed up with and selecting to receive a password reminder. This will be sent immediately via email.

1.2.7        Members acknowledge and accept that the membership fee rate may be subject to annual increases and may vary from time to time for new Members depending upon when membership commences. We will notify members of any increases via email in plenty of time. Inspire may choose to freeze or cancel existing members’ subscriptions at our sole discretion.

1.2.8        Whilst Inspire does not levy a membership or joining fee for members of our Inspire UK Community on Facebook (also known as Community Members), it reserves its right to introduce one in the future if so required.

1.2.9        We are a Members-only organisation. Individuals shall be required to join The Inspire UK Membership if they wish to engage in any of our activities including The Inspire Network group on Guild, attending our meetings or viewing our members-only content.

1.3           Change

1.3.1        We may modify this Contract, our Privacy Policy, our Events Terms and Conditions and our Cookies Policies from time to time. If we make material changes to it, we will provide you notice through our Services, or by other means, to provide you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. If you object to any changes, you may terminate your membership in accordance with our standard Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to these Terms and Conditions means that you are consenting to the updated Terms and Conditions.

  1. Obligations

2.1           Service Eligibility

Here are some promises you make to us in this Contract:

2.1.1        You’re eligible to enter into this Contract and you are at least our “Minimum Age.” “Minimum Age” means 18 years old. The Services are not for use by anyone under the age of 18.

2.1.2        To use the Services, you agree that: (1) you must be the “Minimum Age” (described below) or older; (2) you will only have one Inspire account, which must be in your real name; and (3) you are not already restricted by Inspire UK from using the Services (4). You must have a Facebook account in order to access our free Facebook groups and a Guild account to access our membership groups, which are hosted on Guild.

2.2           Your Account

2.2.1        Your access to our Guild is supplied via Guild and therefore you will ensure that you keep your Guild password a secret and adhere to the general terms and conditions as required by Guild. Likewise, your access to Facebook groups that we may grant access to as part of our Services is supplied via Facebook therefore you will ensure that you keep your Facebook password a secret and adhere to the general terms and conditions as required by Facebook.

2.2.2        You will not share an account or give access to our content to anyone else and will follow our rules and the law. You will ensure that the name on your Guild account matches the name on your membership records at all times and likewise, that the email address linked to Guild matches that registered on your Inspire UK membership. Failure to adhere to this may lead to removal from our Guild groups.

2.2.3        You agree to: (1) try to choose a strong and secure password for your Guild and Facebook accounts and implement security settings on your phone to protect your accounts; (2) keep your Facebook password secure and confidential; (3) Refrain from sharing screenshots or content from our Facebook and Guild groups, or from the Membership areas of our website, without express permission from Head Office; (4) Acknowledge that anything shared on the Membership areas of our website, within our Guild groups, or in our meetings, whether by us or other members, is for our members only and must not be shared in any way elsewhere without express written permission from Head Office; (5), follow the law and our Code of Conduct. You are responsible for anything that happens through your account until you close it.

2.3           Membership & Other Payments

2.3.1        Where payment is required, such as in relation to a chargeable event we might run, or as a Member, you’ll honour your payment obligations and you consent to us storing your payment information. You understand that there may be fees and taxes that are added to our prices.

2.3.2        You accept that we don’t offer subscription refunds as you are able to manage your own subscription any time by logging on to the website and updating this (settings are found under the Avatar icon; click this to open the settings menu while logged in).

2.3.3        The Inspire UK Memberships for all new memberships are available on a monthly basis with a minimum three month commitment period. Payments are to be made via card, which must be set up via the website.

2.3.4        Payments can be made by either credit/debit card via our Stripe payment gateway.  If you pay via credit/debit card your payment details will be stored by Stripe secure servers for the lifetime of your membership. You must update these within your account settings which can be accessed via our Website when logged in, by clicking on the Avatar icon, if they change or become invalid.  We accept no responsibility for any error, omission, negligence of Stripe.  For full terms and conditions for Stripe, follow the contact link on its on its website: You may also be requested on occasion to make payment for events via Eventbrite, which shall be subject to the Eventbrite terms and conditions, or additional incidental costs via iZettle, e.g. to make a purchase at an event. Your payment details will not be stored except so far as they are kept by iZettle. We accept no responsibility for any error, omission, negligence of iZettle. For full terms and conditions for iZettle, follow the link on its website:

2.3.5        If you buy any of our paid Services, you agree to pay us the applicable fees and taxes and to additional Terms specific to these Services. Failure to pay these fees will result in the cancellation of your order, and where applicable, termination of your Membership and cancellation of the requested Services. In the case of renewals, if full payment is not made by the due date you will be removed from our Guild groups until cleared funds have been received. Your membership shall be revoked if payment is not received by the end of that calendar month, and you will need to re-apply, and pay the fees as shall be applicable to new members at the time. You may not be able to rejoin if your membership lapses, as our membership is subject to availability and we have limits on member numbers.

2.3.6        You acknowledge and accept that it is your responsibility to update your card details on your Membership area of our website if they should change, and that we may store and continue billing your payment method (e.g. credit card) even after it has expired, to avoid interruptions in your Services and to use to pay for other Services you may buy. Please note however that if your card expires and cannot be charged upon renewal, your Membership will terminate immediately as per 2.3.5 above.

2.3.7        If you purchase a membership subscription, your payment method automatically will be charged at the start of each subscription period for the fees and taxes applicable to that period. Inspire has no obligation to remind you of this renewal. We have set up automated email reminders (and receipts) at our discretion, but these should not be depended upon to remind you to ensure you have sufficient funds and up to date card details on your membership account settings.

2.3.8    By agreeing to these terms and conditions you agree that you will not at any time report Inspire UK membership subscription payments, which will show as “Collaborative Enterprises Ltd” on your bank statements, as fraudulent activity to your bank. We have had several members “forget” they signed up for subscriptions and made fraud claims to their bank to request the money be reclaimed. The cost of this to our business both financially and operationally is more than the cost of the membership itself, so we have had added the following to this Terms and Conditions: any members who report our payments as fraudulent will be invoiced via email for the bank fees which we incur as a result. We politely remind you that we send reminders out prior to payments being taken, and you have ample opportunity to cancel your payments after this prior to renewal. You are able to contact us if you are unsure, prior to the subscription payment being taken, upon receipt of the reminder email. And you can cancel at anytime – we do not manually cancel subscriptions as this can be done by members at any time. We cannot take a payment via Stripe without you signing up online, and agreeing to these terms and conditions is part of the sign-up process, thus it is your responsibility to terminate the subscription according to these terms and conditions and to remember you have agreed to make payments to us, and not to attempt to reclaim these payments via your bank once they have been taken (at our cost). Members reporting their subscriptions as fraudulent will have their membership immediately terminated and will be required to set up a standing order direct to our bank account after paying any fees incurred if they wish to resume membership with us. It is your responsibility to manage your own payments via our website settings if you do not wish to continue your subscription. Once you have terminated your subscription it is physically impossible for us to continue charging so all subscription payments can only be made with your approval.

2.4           Notices and Service Messages

2.4.1        You acknowledge and accept that we are entitled to generally communicate with you and provide notices to you through our Guild and Facebook groups, our websites and email, and using contact information you provide to us. If the contact information you provide is out of date or you do not check your platforms or Junk email inbox, you may miss out on important notices. We cannot be held responsible for the loss of value as a result of your failure to maintain your contact information or check your email junk/spam folders.

2.4.2        You acknowledge and accept that we will provide notices to you in the following ways: (1) online as a notice within the Guild groups that you are a member of. As such it is part of our membership terms that you shall agree not to turn off the Visibility Boost function at any time within any of our Guild groups during the period of your membership or (2) a message sent to the contact information you provided us (e.g., email, mobile number, physical address). You agree to keep your contact information up to date for as long as you remain a Member. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to check your Spam/Junk email folder and we cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred as a result of our messages not reaching you. You acknowledge that if you provide use with an incorrect email address or if you unsubscribe from our mailing list, we will be unable to contact you with essential membership information which may cause you to miss out on important updates including information relating to your membership itself such as payment reminders. (3) We may also at our discretion provide you with notices via WhatsApp, if you have given us your mobile number during sign-up.

2.5           Sharing

2.5.1        You acknowledge and accept that when you share information on Guild, Facebook and certain areas of our website, others can see, copy and use that information.

2.5.2       You acknowledge our confidentiality and security rules, which can be found in 2.2.3 of our Terms and Conditions.

2.5.3       We are not obligated to publish any information or content within our Services and can remove it at our sole discretion, with or without notice or explanation.

2.5.4       Members are encouraged to check with the relevant Group Host/moderators on our Guild or Facebook groups, or on the Membership areas of our website before posting if they are unsure whether their Content would be acceptable.

  1. Rights and Limits

3.1. Your License to use Inspire UK

3.1.1        You own all of the content, feedback, and personal information you provide to us, but you also grant us a non-exclusive license to it.

3.1.2        You promise to only provide information and content that you have the right to share, and that your Inspire UK member profile and the content you share within Inspire UK services where applicable will be truthful.

3.1.3        As between you and Inspire UK, you own the content and information that you submit or post to the Services and you are only granting Inspire and our affiliates the following non-exclusive license: A worldwide, transferable and sub-licensable right to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, and process, information and content that you provide through our Services, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or others. These rights are limited in the following ways:

3.1.4        You can end this license for specific content by deleting such content from the Services, or generally by closing your account, except (a) to the extent you shared it with others as part of the Services and they copied, re-shared it or stored it and (b) for the reasonable time it takes to remove from backup and other systems. Any content you have shared within Guild or in any of our other Facebook groups may remain on the groups and be used within the license except where you have deleted such content.

3.1.5        We will get your consent if we want to give third parties the right to publish your content or posts beyond the Services. However, other Members may access and share your content and information, for which we cannot be held responsible.

3.1.6        While we may edit and make formatting changes to your content (such as correcting spelling mistakes, translating it, editing to reduce the length of long passages, modifying the size, layout or file type or removing metadata), we will not modify the meaning of your expression.

3.1.7        Because you own your content and information and we only have non-exclusive rights to it, you may choose to make it available to others, including under the terms of a Creative Commons license.

3.1.8        You agree that we may access, store and use any information that you provide in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy and your choices (including settings).

3.1.9        By submitting suggestions or other feedback regarding the Services to Inspire UK, you agree that we can (but do not have to) use and share such feedback for any purpose without compensation to you.

3.1.10      You agree to only provide content or information that does not violate the law nor anyone’s rights (including intellectual property rights). You also agree that your profile information will be truthful. Inspire UK may be required by law to remove certain information or content in certain countries.

3.2 Service Availability

3.2.1        We may change, suspend or end any Service, or change and modify prices prospectively at our discretion. To the extent allowed under law, these changes may be effective upon notice provided to you.

3.2.2        We may change or discontinue any of our Services. We don’t promise to store or keep showing any information and content that you, we, or any other party, has posted.

3.2.3        Inspire UK is not a storage service. You agree that we have no obligation to store, maintain or provide you a copy of any content or information that you or others provide, except to the extent required by applicable law and as noted in our Privacy Policy.

3.2.4        Inspire UK will attempt to ensure continuity of its Services at all times, however we cannot be held responsible for interruptions where these are outside of our control. Server downtime, hacking, force majeure and other crises may interrupt our Services and we will endeavour to repair any issues promptly. We will have no obligation to compensate you for any periods of temporary disruption to our Services in these situations.

3.3 Other Content, Sites and Apps

3.3.1        Your use of others’ content and information posted on our Services, is at your own risk.

3.3.2        Others may offer their own products, advice and services through Inspire UK, and we aren’t responsible for those third-party activities.

3.3.3        By using the Services, you may encounter content or information that might be inaccurate, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful. Inspire UK generally does not review content provided by our Members or others. You agree that we are not responsible for others’ (including other Members’) content or information. We cannot always prevent this misuse of our Services, and you agree that we are not responsible for any such misuse. You also acknowledge the risk that you or your organization may be mistakenly associated with such content.

3.3.4        You are responsible for deciding if you want to access or use third party apps or sites that link from our Services. If you allow a third-party app or site to authenticate you or connect with your Inspire account, that app or site can access information on Inspire related to you and your connections. Third party apps and sites have their own legal terms and privacy policies, and you may be giving others permission to use your information in ways we would not. Except to the limited extent it may be required by applicable law, Inspire is not responsible for these other sites and apps – use these at your own risk. Please see our Privacy Policy.

3.4 Limits

3.4.1        We have the right to limit how you connect and interact on our Services.

3.4.2        Inspire reserves the right to limit your use of any of the Services. Inspire reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your account if we believe that you may be in breach of this Contract or law or are misusing the Services (e.g. violating our Code of Conduct).

3.5 Intellectual Property Rights

3.5.1        We’re providing you notice about our intellectual property rights. Inspire UK reserves all its intellectual property rights in the Services. Using the Services does not give you any ownership of our Services or the content or information made available through our Services. Trademarks and logos used in connection with the Services are the trademarks of their respective owners. You may not use any of our logo variations or the name “Inspire UK™” “The Inspire Network™”, “We Are Inspire™” nor the logos or names of other of our branded memberships, subgroups, products or services including The Inspire Growth Squad™, The Inspire VIP Hub™ or Inspire UK Membership™, without express written permission.

  1. Disclaimer and Limit of Liability

4.1 No Warranty

4.1.1        This is our disclaimer of legal liability for the quality, safety, or reliability of our Services.



4.2           Exclusion of Liability

4.2.1        While we use reasonable endeavours to verify the accuracy of any information we place on the Website, Guild group and Facebook groups, we make no warranties, whether express or implied, in relation to its accuracy. These facilities are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without any representation or endorsement made and we make no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, in relation to the Website, our Guild groups, Facebook groups, or any transaction that may be conducted on or through the Website including but not limited to, implied warranties of non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy, conditions of completeness, or any implied warranty arising from the course of dealing or usage or trade.

4.2.2        We make no warranty that our Guild groups, Facebook groups or the Website will meet your requirements or will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that Guild, Facebook, our Website, or the servers that make them available, are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the Website. We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of content or material uploaded or transmitted through the Website or any of our groups on Guild or Facebook.

4.2.3        To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, we disclaim any and all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, in relation to the Products and Services. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer, nor does it affect your Contract Cancellation Rights.

4.2.4        We will not be liable, in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), pre-contract or other representations (other than fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations) or otherwise out of or in connection with the Conditions for:

  • any economic losses (including without limitation loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings); or
  • any loss of goodwill or reputation; or
  • any special or indirect losses suffered or incurred by that party arising out of or in connection with the provisions of any matter under the Terms of Service.
  1. Termination

5.1.1        Both you and Inspire UK may terminate your Member status and membership by cancelling your subscription at any time. Access to the Services shall be withdrawn once the subscription period ends, however 5.1.5 applies. You may terminate your Member status by logging on via our website and cancelling your subscription there. The settings are found under the avatar symbol (which may be your photo if you uploaded this) by clicking on it, or may appear as “Settings” depending on your device and Kajabi’s system settings.

5.1.2       If you have paid for your Membership via bank transfer, which applies only to a small number of annual members, and wish to terminate your membership, please email

5.1.3      Please note that written termination requests sent via email will not be actioned by Inspire UK, except in highly exceptional circumstances where the member has lost the ability to use our online system due to incapacity, or total loss of access to the email account they registered with us. If you do wish to request that we manually cancel your subscription for one of these reasons, please note that access will be withdrawn with immediate effect and all aspects of the membership will terminate immediately, and our notice period applies (see 5.1.7).

5.1.4     Subscriptions are non-refundable except in the event that we have failed to fulfil our obligations under the Contract. Your statutory rights are unaffected.

5.1.5        Inspire UK reserves the right to terminate any Membership without notice in the event of a Member being in breach of our Terms and Conditions including our Code of Conduct.

5.1.6       Memberships shall renew automatically, and cancellation must be completed via the Inspire UK website membership settings prior to their next payment due date for this to terminate the Membership. If membership is not cancelled by the Member, the Membership shall auto-renew for a further twelve-month period as standard for annual memberships, or for a further one-month period for monthly memberships. No refunds are payable if a member should have a change of mind or fails to cancel before renewal takes place – your statutory rights are unaffected.

5.1.7       In accordance with the circumstances outlined in 5.1.3, should you wish to cancel a membership via email, you must write to:, providing at least five working days’ notice and seven calendar days’ notice. We will acknowledge the email once it has been read and actioned, and will either confirm manual termination or refuse this where a request is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, giving feedback where relevant. Members will lose the right to access or use the Services immediately once we action their request; we regret we are unable to offer a cancellation period where access to services can be maintained once we have actioned a manual request.

IMPORTANT: Termination email requests sent to any other email address, and/or with insufficient notice, or in circumstances other than those outlined in 5.1.3, shall not be accepted as notice of termination. The member must follow our instructions within these Terms and Conditions to cancel their subscription themselves via the website portal prior to the renewal date as this is their responsibility when entering into a Contract with us as a Member. The following shall survive termination:

  • Our rights to use and disclose your content and feedback;
  • Members and/or Visitors’ rights to further re-share content and information you shared through the Service where applicable.
  • Sections 4, 6 and 7 of this Contract;
  • Any amounts owed by either party prior to termination remain owed after termination.

5.1.8        Following termination of the Membership the Member will be removed from our Guild groups, and their website membership will be void. They shall not be permitted to attend any further sessions, 1:1s, events or discounted events except where advance tickets have been purchased, in which case Inspire may offer a refund or permit attendance at its discretion. We may also remove access to our Facebook communities.

  1. Dispute Resolution

6.1           These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England, and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

6.2.          If a member feels aggrieved due to the alleged actions of another member during the course of their mutual use of our Services, they are encouraged to raise this respectfully with the member concerned and keep a record of any correspondence that arises as a consequence as well as any screenshots that may be relevant, if appropriate. We will not intervene in any cases where the concerns have arisen outside of the use of our Services, except where this is in breach of our Code of Conduct.

6.3           In the event that the grievance escalates, and the members feel unable to resolve this personally, they should report their concerns to us. Should the grievance relate to the use of our Guild group or Facebook groups, Members should contact the relevant admins for The INspire Network or Facebook group within which the grievance may have occurred, or email

6.4           If the grievance relates to an issue with another Member outside of one of Inspire’s own services and there is a concern that the issue may bring harm to other members or bring disrepute to our organisation, the member should email with their concerns.

6.4           Where any member has concerns that another member is breaching the membership Terms and Conditions, and this is not a personal grievance relating to them specifically, they should email

6.5           Where an Inspire Guild group Host or Moderator, or Facebook group Administrator or Moderator is made aware that the conduct of any member is in breach of our Terms and Conditions, including our Code of Conduct, they will always try to resolve this informally, however on occasions that require it in our opinion, we reserve the right to take the following actions:

  • Suspend the member from posting either for a specific period of time, or until a satisfactory resolution is reached
  • Remove the member from our groups on Guild and/or Facebook groups and/or ban them from attending events
  • Cancel the membership of the individual concerned (without refund where applicable)
  1. General Terms

7.1.1        Here are some important details about how to read the Contract.

If a court with authority over this Contract finds any part of it not enforceable, you and us agree that the court should modify the terms to make that part enforceable while still achieving its intent. If the court cannot do that, you and us agree to ask the court to remove that unenforceable part and still enforce the rest of this Contract. To the extent allowed by law, the English language version of this Contract is binding, and other translations are for convenience only. This Contract (including additional terms that may be provided by us when you engage with a feature of the Services) is the only agreement between us regarding the Services and supersedes all prior agreements for the Services.

7.1.2        If we don’t act to enforce a breach of this Contract, that does not mean that Inspire has waived its right to enforce this Contract. You may not assign or transfer this Contract (or your membership or use of Services) to anyone without our consent. However, you agree that Inspire may assign this Contract to its affiliates or a party that buys it without your consent. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Contract.

7.1.3        We reserve the right to change the terms of this Contract and will provide you notice if we do and we agree that changes cannot be retroactive. If you don’t agree to these changes, you must stop using the Services.

7.1.4        You agree that the only way to provide us legal notice is at the addresses provided in Section 10.

  1. Use of the Services

8.1           You will not;

  1. Develop, support or use software, devices, scripts, robots, or any other means or processes (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons, or any other technology or manual work) to scrape the Services or otherwise copy profiles and other data from the Services;
  2. Bypass or circumvent any access controls or Service use limits (such as caps on keyword searches);
  3. Copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, whether directly or through third parties (such as search engines), without the consent of Inspire.
  4. Solicit email addresses or other personal information from Members you don’t know, without authorization.
  5. Use, disclose or distribute any data obtained in violation of this policy;
  6. Disclose information that you do not have the consent to disclose (such as confidential information of others);
  7. Violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights. For example, do not copy or distribute (except through the available sharing functionality) the posts or other content of others without their permission, which they may give by posting under a Creative Commons license;
  8. Violate the intellectual property or other rights of Inspire, including, without limitation, (i) copying or distributing our learning videos or other materials or (ii) copying or distributing our technology, unless it is released under open source licenses; (iii) using the word “The Inspire Network”, “Inspire UK”, “The Inspire Growth Squad”, “The Inspire VIP Hub” or “We Are Inspire” or our logos in any business name, email, or URL except with our written consent and then as provided in the Brand Guidelines; (iv) creating any social media profiles or groups that may in any way mislead others to believe that we have created such profiles or groups;
  9. Post anything that contains software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code;
  10. Manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any message or post transmitted through the Services;
  11. Create profiles or provide content that promotes escort services, prostitution or any illegal activity;
  12. Create or operate a pyramid scheme, fraud or other similar practice;
  13. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Services or any related technology that is not open source;
  14. Imply or state that you are affiliated with or endorsed by Inspire UK without our express consent (e.g., representing yourself as an Inspire admin, leader, trainer or representative);
  15. Rent, lease, loan, trade, sell/re-sell access to the Services or related data;
  16. Sell, sponsor, or otherwise monetize any of our Services without Inspire’s consent. This includes the sharing of affiliate links within our Services;
  17. Deep-link to our Services for any purpose other than to promote your profile or a Sponsor’s content on our Services, without Inspire’s consent;
  18. Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on our Service; Remove, cover or obscure any advertisement included on the Services; Use bots or other automated methods to access the Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages; Monitor the Services’ availability, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose;
  19. Engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the Services;
  20. Overlaying or otherwise modifying the Services or their appearance;
  21. Access the Services except through the interfaces expressly provided by Inspire, such as its mobile applications, Kajabi mobile application,, Guild,  Eventbrite and;
  22. Use a Service for tasks that it is not intended for;
  23. Override any security feature of the Services;
  24. Interfere with the operation of, or place an unreasonable load on, the Services (e.g., spam, denial of service attack, viruses, gaming algorithms); and/or Violate the Professional Community Guidelines or any additional terms concerning a specific Service that are provided when you sign up for or start using such Service.
  25. Share affiliate links, promote business networks or general business masterminding/group coaching groups without permission from our Head Office, within our Guild groups, meetings, our Facebook communities. Nor shall you promote any other Services supplied by us except with express written permission from

8.2 Inspire Code of Conduct (aka Acceptable Use and Professional Community Guidelines)

The following applies to Members in addition to users of our Website and other Services.

8.2.1        Kindness, care and compassion

Members shall look to demonstrate kindness through their interactions with one another, and be careful to support and build one another up. Members will not be aggressive towards one another or harass any other Member. They agree not to post deceitful, inaccurate, defamatory, obscene, shocking, hateful, threatening or otherwise inappropriate content or air personal grievances or disputes while using our Services.

Members agree to be understanding of one anothers’ differences, including the right to have a different opinion and enjoy freedom of speech, and to be compassionate towards others who may need their support. We seek to protect those in our community and as such Inspire will not tolerate malicious or rude behaviour within our membership.

8.2.2        Integrity – Members agree that they will behave honestly and openly

Members shall provide accurate information to Inspire and keep it updated, using their real name on their profile and an image that is their true likeness on Facebook if they choose to be present within our groups. They must not create a false identity on Inspire or create a profile for anyone other than themselves as an individual. They will not misrepresent their identity (e.g. by using a pseudonym), their current or previous positions, qualifications or affiliations with a person or entity; The occasional creation of clearly fictional profiles by Inspire or with its express permission in connection with a promotional campaign does not waive this obligation. At Inspire we try to always keep our Members informed of what we’re doing and to be transparent in how we run the organisation.

8.2.3        Respect the privacy of others

Members should not disclose anything that is shared by another Member within a networking meeting, within our Guild group (The Inspire Network) nor our Facebook groups, or at any other event that we have organised, to anyone not present or party to the discussion, except with the Member’s permission or where the Member is requesting referrals or recommendations. This excludes situations where it would be unlawful to fail to disclose something that has been shared e.g. intention to commit a crime or disclosure that a crime has been committed. Members shall respect the privacy of one another by refraining from using any platform other than Guild to contact other members without their permission first.

8.2.4        Respectable behaviour

We ask our Members to ensure they behave in a way that is considered to be respectful and respectable. This includes treating others with respect, avoiding the use of inappropriate or obscene language, and to look for ways to build others up and support them as businesswomen.

We ask our members to refrain from underhandedly prospecting for memberships that offer business coaching/masterminding, or for networking businesses or for the businesses of others who are not members of our community, especially where there may be others in our Membership who can help, including through the use of promotion of links that may be considered to be lead magnets, when using our Services. We encourage networking in the sense of building relationships with other business owners to see what may come of it, but our Services should not be used for the purposes of trying to sell or promote goods or services of other businesses to members using our online platforms. Members shall consider The Inspire Network’s Guild group to be a networking space and not an advertising platform. Members should adhere to our group rules on Guild at all times – these can be found by clicking the group name once you are inside The Inspire Network group within the Guild app. Members must not use Guild DMs nor the Guild group feeds to make unsolicited sales approaches.

The sharing of relevant content is welcome where this does not breach our Terms and Conditions, and is not being shared for personal financial gain via referrals or affiliations. Content  that is in any way promoting a business or non-profit organisation is not to be shared where this is advertorial in nature, except where the business is yours and where this has been requested either within our Facebook group or within our Guild members-only group. Group Hosts and Moderators may remove content that is being used as part of a mass-sharing content strategy, and this should not be shared except with permission from the Group Host or Moderators, and should be addressed directly to our members and accompanied by an explanation of why it is being shared and how it is relevant specifically to them. We request no spam.

Promotional posting, except where explicitly indicated, is a right reserved exclusively for our ourselves and occasionally our Sponsors, within our free Facebook group and within The Inspire Network Guild group.

In the spirit of encouraging networking in our free Facebook groups, opportunities may be made available for Members of Inspire UK, or individuals who have not become paid Members, to share their blog post links and other self-promotional content on clearly indicated threads which shall be posted by Group Administrators from time to time.

If Members should come across something that they perceive to be useful, we encourage them to share it with the community within the most relevant group Guild, as long as this activity is (1) not intended to drive sales to a business network/membership/general business coaching group, and (2) being shared to help inform or educate others within the community about topics relating to business, and where this is clearly demonstrated in the content of the post. We reiterate that the sharing of affiliate links is not permitted within our groups on Guild or Facebook without express permission from the Group Administrators.

Members are expected to be capable of understanding whether their content is of a nature that is advertising/self-promotional in it’s intention as opposed to adding value, and understand that our Group Administrators shall use their own judgment as to what is considered to be unacceptable content and may remove this without notice. Admins may utilise group admin facilities to moderate our Facebook groups and may decline posts as they feel appropriate.

8.2.5        Collaboration over competition

There will be other people in our membership who do what you do professionally, although they will do it differently to you! We are a community for people to connect and collaborate as humans rather than businesses, so we encourage members to avoid viewing others in the community as competitors and see them as people with feelings instead. We encourage Members to look for ways that they can share best practice, ideas, resources etc. which can be beneficial to all concerned.

8.2.6        Integrity

Do what you say you’ll do as a Member. Members must comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, tax laws, and regulatory requirements. We won’t tolerate unlawful or unprofessional conduct in connection with our Services, including being dishonest, abusive or discriminatory. You must not use or attempt to use another’s account; Harass, abuse or harm another person; Post or send any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising to members. This includes sending advertising messages or any other unsolicited Private Messages to members within our Facebook groups. Members of our groups on Guild are asked to contact their fellow Members through their Guild profiles or the social links/websites unless they have permission to contact which will be entered on their Member Profile. Please respect their wishes;

  1. Complaints Regarding Content

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We require that information posted by Members be accurate and not in violation of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. We provide a policy and process for complaints concerning content posted by our Members in Section 6 of this document.

  1. How To Contact Us

If you want to send us notices or other communications please contact us:

POST: Unit Vi Itchen Building, Wallops Wood, Sheardley Lane, Droxford SO32 3QY.

BY E-MAIL: (for members) or  (for non-members)